How to Take Care of a Miniature Yorkie

A Yorkie puppy has a smooth black and tan coat that turns into a gray and tan coat over the years. This social breed is the second-most desirable American dog, but the most desirable small breed dog. Caring for these animals takes time and effort, like any pet. Yorkies desire more human contact than most breeds, and you should purchase one only if you can give it love and care.


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      Enforce rules with your Yorkie from an early age. Yorkies test to see what they can and cannot get away with, and you should teach them the rights and wrongs of the household. If your Yorkie begins chewing on personal items, clap your hands, sternly say "No" and take away the item. Once the Yorkie gets away with something once, it will think its behavior is acceptable.

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      Place your Yorkie inside a cage or confined room when you leave the house. Yorkies misbehave when left alone, by chewing on items that contain your scent. Leaving your pup confined will minimize this behavior.

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      Feed your Yorkie a well-balanced diet. Experiment with a dry dog food until you find one your Yorkie can digest and likes to eat. Mix in a wet food with the dry dog food, so your Yorkie maintains its natural fur oils. This oil helps keep its coat shiny and soft.

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      Give treats only as a reward. Never use treats to gain your Yorkie's affection, because it will learn that if it cuddles with you, it will get a treat. When your Yorkie learns a new trick or basic housetraining, give it a treat promptly so it understands the behavior was correct.

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      Hold your Yorkie's muzzle and say "Quiet" sternly, if it develops a barking problem. Never scream at the Yorkie when it barks, because it likely will not stop barking and you'll just add to the noise.

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      Keep your Yorkie well-groomed. Begin using a flea and heartworm control medicine, and follow up as instructed. Purchase edible chew toys for your Yorkie to help keep its teeth cleaned. Feed your dog parsley to cure bad breath and help its digestion.

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      Have your Yorkie examined by your veterinarian at least annually, ensuring it's always current on the required shots. If you believe it might have an illness, pick up a sample of your Yorkie's stool, and bring the Yorkie and stool sample to your veterinarian.