Types of Small Housedogs That Don't Shed

There are many things to consider when choosing which dog breed to bring home as a pet, including personality, train-ability and exercise requirements. Another thing to consider, is the breed's grooming requirements. Some dogs shed a lot of hair and require daily grooming; while others shed very little hair and are low-maintenance. A non-shedding dog is good for people who do not have much time to groom it, or who are allergic to dog dander, which is composed of the small flakes of dead skin. Small non-shedding dogs include the American hairless terrier, hairless Khala, Chinese crested and Xoloitzcuintli.
  1. American Hairless Terrier

    • The American hairless terrier is directly descended from the rat terrier, and first appeared in 1972 from purebred, coated rat terriers. American hairless terriers range in height from seven to 16 inches and weigh five to 16 pounds. They are well-muscled, with a long tail, a broad head and v-shaped ears that stand erect when alert. They are affectionate, intelligent and playful dogs that do well indoors; as long as they have at least 20 to 30 minutes of outdoor exercise every day. While they do not shed hair, they do shed minimal skin cells about once every 20 days. They require a bath between one to three times a week.

    Hairless Khala

    • The hairless Khala is a hairless hound indigenous to Latin America. The hairless Khala medio is shor- legged; and are 14 to 17 inches tall. They weigh between 17 to 20 pounds. The bigger hairless Khala grande is more suited for bigger homes, because they are long-legged, can be 20 inches tall and weigh up to 30 pounds. Hairless Khalas do have some hair on the top and sides of their heads, but are otherwise hairless. They have pointy ears, a long muzzle and a long tail. They are docile and loving with their caregivers, but can be unfriendly to strangers. While hairless Khalas need to be taken on daily walks, they are otherwise very low-maintenance and only need an occasional bath.

    Hairless Chinese Crested

    • The Chinese crested dog comes in two varieties: powder puff and hairless. While a powder puff Chinese crested has a long and soft coat, a hairless Chinese crested only has hair on its feet, tail and head. Originally from Africa, they were renamed by Chinese traders who brought them on-board their ships to hunt vermin. Hairless Chinese crested dogs have almond-shaped eyes, large and erect ears and long tails. They are about 12 inches tall and weigh less than 10 pounds. They are affectionate, playful and get along well with other pets. Chinese crested dogs live well in apartments, but need daily walks. They need frequent bathing and hydration of their skin with oil or cream.

    Hairless Xoloitzcuintli

    • The Xoloitzcuintli, often called the Xolo for short, comes in three sizes and is coated or hairless. Toy Xolos weigh between five to 15 pounds and are nine to 14 inches tall. Miniature Xolos weigh up to 30 pounds and can be 20 inches tall; whereas the standard size is about five pounds heavier and five inches taller. They can be completely hairless, or have a tuft of hair on its head and tail. The hairless Xolo is a well-muscled dog with almond-shaped eyes, a broad skull, sharp and pointy ears and a long tail. Xolos are very intelligent, loyal and easy to house train. They are athletic and need daily walks. In terms of grooming, they need to be bathed and moisturized once or twice a month.