Boxers' adult size is usually between 53 and 70 lbs. Female dogs will more likely fall toward the smaller end of the size range most common for their breed. A purebred boxer usually measures between 21 and 35 inches tall and weighs between 53 and 70 lbs. A husky usually measures between 20 inches and 24 inches tall and weighs between 35 and 60 lbs. when full grown. If you know the parents of your puppy, take a look at them. If your puppy's father, for example, is on the large side of the breed range, your puppy will likely be larger than average.
Huskies' adult weight usually ranges from 35 to 60 lbs. A common way of calculating a mixed-breed puppy's estimated adult size involves dividing the puppy's current weight by its current age in weeks. Multiply the quotient by 52 to give you an estimated weight in pounds. This calculation is most accurate when a puppy is between 21 and 24 weeks old. At this age, a boxer/husky mix puppy will still be growing quickly, while smaller dogs' growth will have slowed somewhat.
A key factor in the adult size of your husky/boxer mix puppy is not related to breed or parentage. Your puppy's environment, care, nutrition and health will play a role in how big it grows. A puppy kept in a clean, sheltered environment, allowed to nurse from its mother for longer and provided with regular access to quality food and fresh water will grow larger than a puppy in a less-than-ideal environment. A puppy that contracts parvovirus, distemper or another serious illness will likely have its growth somewhat stunted and may be smaller than would have been expected of its breed mix.
Body Proportion
Another indicator of your husky-boxer mix puppy's eventual size is its range of body proportions. Paw size is an indicator of eventual adult size, but it just gives you an idea of your dog's eventual proportions. The larger the paws, the larger your puppy will be at its full adult growth. Also look at the looseness of your puppy's skin. If the skin is loose, the dog still has a lot of "filling out" to do to reach its eventual bodily proportions.
How Big Will My Husky-Boxer Mix Get?
Calculating any puppy's adult size, whether that puppy is a mixed-breed dog or a purebred dog, is an educated guess. Even within purebred dogs, adult size can vary widely. However, you can feel reasonably certain that your husky-boxer mix puppy will grow to be a good-sized medium dog because its breed mixes fall within a 35- to 70-lb. weight range and stand 20 to 35 inches in height.