Kinds of Miniature Dogs

Dog lovers looking for the perfect new best friends sometimes do not have much room at home and need a breed that takes up little space. A number of breeds are known to be naturally small, while some others have been scaled down from larger breeds. These smaller dogs are often referred to as toys, or miniatures.
  1. Miniature Bull Terrier

    • The miniature bull terrier is a small version of the standard bull terrier. It is a short-legged, muscular-bodied breed that grows between 10 and 14 inches tall at the shoulder. When the bull terrier breed was first developed in the 19th century it was the size of the modern-day miniature version. Essentially, the bull terrier is a scaled up version of the miniature.

    Miniature Pinscher

    • The miniature pinscher is sometimes mistakenly thought of as a smaller Doberman variation. This is not the case, as the breed does not originate from the doberman, but may share some common ancestors. It is a lean, powerful breed that grows to stand between 10 to 12 1/2 inches at the shoulder.

    Miniature Schnauzer

    • Miniature schnauzers are derived from the standard-sized breed and have been presented in competition since 1899 as a distinct breed. They possess the same squared body shapes and familiar features of the standard breed but grow to be between 12 and 14 inches in height at the shoulder. They are the smallest of three schnauzer types which include not just the standard, but the giant schnauzer as well.


    • The Maltese as a contemporary breed is the same size as it was when first developed. It is a short breed that generally never weighs more than 7 pounds and averages between 4 to 6 pounds. The dog's coat is so long and straight that you cannot see the animal's legs. It is a breed favored as a companion dog and has been popular with royalty and the upper classes for centuries.


    • The Chihuahua is the ultimate miniature breed, generally never weighing more than 6 pounds. It is a slender dog with short legs and large alert ears. It may be descended from the fennec fox. Its exact origins are uncertain, but it is named for the region in Mexico in which the breed was first discovered.

    Yorkshire Terrier

    • The Yorkshire terrier is a naturally small breed which originates from the U.K. It tends to weigh between 4 and 7 pounds and has short legs and a slender body. Like the Maltese, its coat can be so long it hides the legs; this length is preferred for competition. It is among the most popular small dog breeds.