What is a Biewer Yorkie?

Having as much information as possible about a dog breed is essential to selecting the right pet for your lifestyle. A little-known breed is the Biewer Yorkie, a rare type of toy-sized Yorkshire terrier. Originated in Germany in 1984, Biewer Yorkies were brought to the United States in 2003. In the United States, these dogs are sometimes referred to by other names, such as Biewer a'la Pom Pon, Biewer terrier and Biewer Yorkie terrier. Although they have numerous similarities to Yorkshire terriers, Biewer Yorkies differ in their coloring; leading some breeders to consider them an independent breed. The American Kennel Club, however, does not recognize Biewer Yorkies as a unique breed apart from Yorkshire terriers.
  1. Appearance

    • The athleticism is clear in the appearance of these small dogs. Their compact bodies vary in size; the females are often smaller than the males. The height of Biewer Yorkies is typically 6 to 9 inches and their weight ranges from 4 to 7 lbs. Similarly to Yorkshire terriers, they have long, straight coats. Their coloring is black, blue, tan and white, and it is often symmetrical. V-shaped ears stand straight up atop their heads.


    • Despite their small size, Biewer Yorkies have large personalities. They often behave as if they are bigger than they are, expressing a lot of confidence and energy. While they are often affectionate and loving toward their owners, they are not typically recommended for homes with small children due to the possibility of aggression while protecting their home. Due to their lively and attentive personalities, they can serve as dutiful watchdogs.


    • Caring for Biewer Yorkies requires time and effort. Because of their high energy levels, they require daily walks. If they do not get the necessary exercise, they could become very demanding of their owner's attention. Biewers' grooming needs include a bath at least every three weeks. They should be combed at least once per week with a wire-bristled comb, especially if their hair is not trimmed, but kept long. Some owners choose to have their pets' coats cropped short for easier maintenance.


    • Health problems for Biewer Yorkies consist mainly of dental and eye problems. They are prone to eye irritations and early tooth decay. To keep their teeth as healthy as possible, they should be fed mainly dry food and have regular teeth cleanings. Other possible health issues they can encounter include tracheal collapse, bronchitis, digestion disorders and troublesome reactions to anesthesia. Regular vet visits are highly recommended to recognize and treat any of these conditions.