How to Keep a Maltese's Coat White

Maltese dogs are celebrated for their silky white coats, but keeping them in this condition requires a regular grooming and maintenance routine. Brushing your pet once a day, combined with a weekly bath, not only keeps its coat while -- it helps these gentle, affectionate toy dogs to stay happy and healthy. Don't forget to clean its ears to help prevent wax accumulation and infectio,n and clean and trim the area around its anus if this area is prone to matting.

Things You'll Need

  • Detangling spray
  • Slicker comb
  • Wide-tooth brush
  • Uneven comb
  • Canine shampoo and conditioner
  • Clean towel or blow dryer
  • Tear stain removal product
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      Introduce a regular grooming routine. This stops dirt from accumulating and keeps the Maltese's coat in good condition. Moisten your pet's coat with a detangling spray before brushing. Use a slicker brush, a wide-tooth comb and an uneven comb. First, lift up the top layer of hair and brush the fur near the skin. Finish by brushing, then combing the top layer.

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      Establish a weekly bathing routine. Brush the dog then place it in a sink or bathtub containing lukewarm water. Massage its body with a gentle shampoo recommended for dogs with white coats, and clean its face with a tear-free cleansing product. Wet the dog, apply the shampoo in a thin line down the center of its back and massage it through the hair. Rinse the dog by pouring water down the middle of its back. Apply a canine conditioner and rinse it off in the same way. Dry the dog with a clean towel or a blow dryer.

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      Remove tear stains. Maltese dogs are susceptible to tear staining, which leaves reddish brown stains on its white coat. Apply a tear stain removal product to effected areas, keeping it away from the dog's eyes. Alternatively, wipe the hair under the eyes with a cotton ball soaked in diluted baby shampoo. Do this daily. Consult a veterinarian if an underlying infection is exacerbating the problem. A course of antibiotics usually resolves the problem. Keep hair tied up and out of its eyes.