Dogs That Are Easy to Train & Can Hunt

Hunting dogs can be both a family pet and a hunter's best friend if properly trained and cared for. However, some dogs can be difficult to train or unsuited for hunting. Deciding on a suitable dog before purchase can save a hunter a great deal of time and hassle in the future.
  1. Retrievers

    • These dogs are well known for being popular house pets, but they make great hunters as well. Retrievers are intelligent, easy to train and quite affable to owners, friends and family members. Retrievers are a medium to large dog best suited to a slightly larger house, but they can make do with a small one if given plenty of exercise. Retrievers have a great deal of energy and are not very suitable for very young children. The dogs are great swimmers and can easily be trained to retrieve birds and small game in and out of water. Labrador and golden retrievers share these traits and can be used by hunters.


    • Spaniels are small- to medium-sized hunting dogs, available in a variety of colors and breeds. Spaniels are generally very intelligent and eager to learn and please, but they need a great deal of exercise. They benefit from formal training at a young age. Most spaniels excel in retrieving and flushing out small game on both land and water. These dogs are very outgoing and are suitable for using with other dogs or hunters.


    • Greyhounds are medium-sized, whippet-type dogs with long, thin bodies. They are famous for speed and are used in hunting as coursing hounds, dogs that track prey by sight. Greyhounds are intelligent, easy to train and friendly. They require a considerable amount of exercise and shouldn't be brought into a home with a cat or other small animal due to their coursing skills.

    German shepherds

    • German shepherds are large, semi-aggressive dogs that are intelligent, loyal and friendly to their owners. These dogs require a relative amount of exercise, but they are adaptable to surroundings and can live in almost any area. German Shepherds are very versatile and can be trained to retrieve birds, flush out game or even scent raccoons. They also make good watchdogs because of their temperament.