Information on Pug Cocker Spaniel Mix Dogs

A cocker pug is a hybrid breed of dog that mixes a cocker spaniel with a pug. These types of animals are known as "designer dogs" because they are the result of breeding two pedigree types of animals. However, you will not always get a dog that demonstrates characteristics that are 50 percent pug and 50 percent cocker spaniel because they can have stronger characteristics from one of the species.
  1. Cocker Spaniel Characteristics

    • Originally from Spain but bred in Britain, cocker spaniels are known for their friendly and affectionate natures. They are small dogs that can grow to around 15 inches from the top of the shoulders and have long ears and wagging tails. Typically the cocker spaniel doesn't have any health problems associated with the breed -- which is common with pedigree dogs -- although their ears should be kept clean and routinely checked because their long length can make them prone to infection. In addition, their coats should be groomed to stop matting which can cause skin irritation. They are sensitive dogs that should be disciplined in a non-aggressive way.

    Pug Characteristics

    • Pugs originate from the Orient and are known for their muscular and compact shape which includes a flattened face with wrinkles and folded ears. Its tail is normally short and tightly curled, while its coat is short and shiny. A healthy adult dog should weigh about 18 lbs. In general, pugs are mild-natured animals that have a playful side and make good family pets. However, they do have some health problems associated with their compact shape which include breathing difficulties and problems with their teeth. They are also sensitive to heat.

    Cocker Pug Mix

    • The genetics of cocker pugs determine the overall look and temperament of them. They can have the build of a pug with cocker spaniel fur, or the build of a cocker spaniel with the fur of a pug. However, cocker pugs are always small dogs with easygoing natures, which makes them ideal family pets.


    • Cocker pugs should be treated in the same way as you would treat a cocker spaniel or a pug. They should be given moderate amounts of exercise because lack of exercise can lead to weight problems. Health issues, such as breathing and dental care, should also be monitored. If the dog has the physical characteristics of a cocker spaniel, then its fur and ears should be well-maintained.