How to Take Care of Adult Red Nose Pits

Red nose pit bulls are medium to large dogs with a tan or brown coat and a brownish red nose. They are not a separate breed of pit bull but rather a specific color phase of the breed. Though pit bulls have been heavily maligned due to high publicity attacks on people, these dogs are loyal, affectionate and highly intelligent. When given proper care, socialization and exercise, they are extremely gentle. Caring for adult pit bulls requires time, commitment and an awareness of the unique health risks, disposition and activity needs of the breed.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog Collar
  • Leash
  • Dog treats
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      Provide your pit bull with daily exercise. Simply allowing your dog to run around in a fenced yard is not sufficient. The pit bull is a high energy dog breed that will quickly become destructive if not given enough exercise. Take your dog for at least one 30-minute walk each day. Play interactive games like fetch. If your dog has ever behaved aggressively, avoid games that can encourage aggressive behavior like tug of war.

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      Spay or neuter your dog. Altered dogs are less likely to behave aggressively, less susceptible to cancer and infections and will never have an unplanned pregnancy. Male dogs who are neutered will not wander away looking for a mate. Pit bulls are grossly overrepresented in animal shelters and altering your pit bull will completely eliminate the possibility that it will ever give birth to puppies who end up in a shelter.

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      Continue obedience training with your dog for its entire life. Practice basic tricks like sit, stay and come every day, always giving your dog a treat when it obeys. Socialization is an important part of dog obedience training and discourages aggression and hyperactivity. Provide your dog with opportunities to interact with a variety of people and dogs by taking it to dog parks and pet stores. If your dog is disobedient or behaves inappropriately in public, contact a dog trainer. See Resources.

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      Feed your dog a healthy diet. All dogs should eat a high-protein food with meat listed as its first ingredient. Avoid fillers like corn and wheat and never give your dog alcohol, candy or human medication. Pit bulls are especially susceptible to allergies, so monitor your dog for itchy, dry or scaly skin, diarrhea and ear infections, all of which can be symptoms of an allergic reaction to food.

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      Provide your pit bull with veterinary care. Pit bulls should see their veterinarians once a year for an annual checkup. Monitor your pit bull for signs of illness. The breed is prone to developong hip dysplasia, which is worsened by obesity. Give your dog a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement, which can help prevent hip dysplasia. If you notice limping or strange walking, consult your veterinarian. Pit bulls are also at risk for eye problems like cataracts. If you notice that your pit is having difficulty seeing or has cloudy eyes, early veterinary intervention is key in treating eye disease.