What is the Personality of a Pomeranian?

Pomeranians are small dogs, usually weighing less than 10 pounds, with fluffy, thick coats. Pomeranians need attention and loving care to thrive, in addition to standard maintenance such as brushing and grooming. They have a long life expectancy for a dog, often up to 15 years, and can be a wonderful companion if treated well by their owners.
  1. Separation Anxiety

    • Pomeranians frequently suffer from separation anxiety. They can get anxious and act out if they are left alone. If not trained to avoid the anxiety, Pomeranians can become destructive and bark excessively when alone. Teach your Pomeranian to be OK alone by starting to leave her by herself for periods of time when she is still a puppy. Establish yourself as the master right away, which will help eliminate anguish when you leave. Most importantly, if your Pomeranian is left alone during the work day, take her for a long, brisk walk before you go. The exercise should help keep your Pomeranian from exhibiting anxious behaviors in your absence.


    • Pomeranians can be very vocal. They are alert and very intelligent, so they respond to things that they notice by barking. Without proper training, this can become excessive. Provide consistent training to a puppy to teach him not to bark all the time. Whenever he barks, go to him and give a tap on the nose or spritz him with clean water in his face. Never hurt him or be unkind, but consistent consequences for the barking will teach him not to do it. Poms are very smart and respond quickly to training.

    Children in the Home

    • Some Pom owners claim that Pomeranians are not great with small children. The sudden bursts of noise and movement that young children exhibit can seem stressful to a Pomeranian. It is also important to be careful that children are not hurting the dog, since Pomeranians can be vulnerable to this due to their tiny size. Because Pomeranians need plenty of attention and interaction, if you do have young children, make sure you can give ample attention and time to the dog before you make the commitment to own one.


    • Pomeranians are active and busy and always running around. They consider themselves to be the watchdog of their home and often seem to have no idea of their small size. Plenty of attention and positive reinforcement and reward can keep your Pom from getting into trouble. Playing games with your Pom will keep his mind engaged and body active. If you are away from home often or have circumstances that prevent you from giving a lot of attention to your dog, a Pomeranian may not be the best choice for you.