How Can I Prove My American Bulldog Is Not a Pitbull?

Both American bulldogs and pitbulls are part of the Staffordshire terrier and mastiff family of dogs. Both breeds became popular in England in the 1800s for the sports of bull-baiting and dog-fighting. American bulldogs are a less common breed in the states and are often mistaken for a pitbull. There are some features that set the two apart, but they are so close in ancestry, it is difficult to determine without an American Kennel Club registration or DNA test.

Things You'll Need

  • AKC certificate
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      Explain the features of an American bulldog are somewhat different than a pitbull. American bulldogs are slightly taller and thinner. The most distinctive feature that sets the two apart is the American bulldog's jowls and tendency to drool excessively. The pitbull does not have loose jowls or drool.

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      Show your American Kennel Club certificate of registration of the bulldog. The AKC doesn't recognize the American bulldog breed, but will register dogs under the breed of bulldog. American bulldogs are often lumped in with Staffordshire terriers or pitbulls for purposes of certification. This is going to be the most-effective route of proving the breed of your dog.

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      Obtain a DNA test from a veterinary clinic that describes your dog as not having the pitbull gene. Because American bulldogs are so closely related to pitbulls, this is not a foolproof method.