Behavior Traits of a Beagle

Beagles are beautiful and well-built dogs that are easy to take care of. Originally bred as hunting dogs, beagles bear a lot of characteristics that help them act as a hunting companion, which is why they may exhibit odd behaviors in a domestic setting. Despite this, they are one of the most friendly and loyal of all dog breeds, making them an ideal pet for many.
  1. Peacefulness

    • Beagles are very peaceful and rarely attack other people or dogs. Beagles often have a very loud bark, which leads many to assume that they are aggressive. However, this is merely a reflection of their excitability and eagerness to interact with others. Beagles, in very rare cases, may not get along with other animals, but this is usually happens to some dogs as a result of spending their early years in isolated environments.

    Independence and Dependability

    • Beagles are very independent, leading them to bravely wander off without their master. They also have selective hearing, which may prevent them from returning when their master calls them. Despite their independence, some beagles feel comfortable within a routine, where things are done at the same time each day. Many times, beagles will become fidgety or uncomfortable if the normal routine of the day is broken.


    • Most beagles are extremely obedient, but some beagles may become neurotic. Typically, a beagle will only act neurotic as a result of genetic problems, which can be seen by observing the parents of the beagle. In normal beagles, a degree of stubbornness may exist at first, where beagles have to learn to follow the master's instructions. Because they have large appetites, food can be a good way to restructure behavior and discourage stubbornness.

    Energy Level

    • Beagles often need a large yard to exercise; because they can become extremely overweight when they don't get enough exercise. They enjoy games, such as fetch or hide and seek. The dogs are especially good for children, because they can maintain high levels of energy for long periods of time. Beagles may dig holes or howl when they become overly bored or uncomfortable.