Facts About Chocolate Labradors

The Chocolate Labrador is a color variation of the standard Labrador. It is a member of the American Kennel Club's Sporting dog group and was first accepted as a breed in 1917. The breed is prized both as a working dog and a family pet with a number of desirable traits inherent in the animal.
  1. History

    • The Labrador originates from the Newfoundland breed, which was cross-bred with other water dogs in the region and was formerly known as the St. John's Water Dog. In the 19th century the Earl of Malmesbury took a liking to the breed and had several shipped back to England. The Earl referred to his St. John's dogs as Labradors and the name caught on. Taxes and quarantine laws eventually led to the breed disappearing in Newfoundland, but the English breeding stock thrived. The Labrador breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club in 1903, followed in 1917 by the American Kennel Club


    • The chocolate Lab, like all Labradors, is a medium-sized dog that grows to between 21 and 24 inches at the shoulder and between 55 to 75 lbs. in weight. It has a solid, muscular build which is designed to be athletic and well balanced. It has a broad skull with a medium-length muzzle and eyes which are often described as expressive. The breed's tail is robust and pointed and is described as similar to an otter's tail.

    Coat and Color

    • As the name suggests, the chocolate Lab has a solid chocolaty brown-colored coat. Other coat colors include black and yellow. Small white patches around the chest are also common. The coat itself is dense and straight with a slight coarseness to the touch. The coat's under layer is softer and designed to keep out water and cold as well as protecting against rough undergrowth through which the dog may run.


    • The Chocolate Labrador's temperament is like all labs. It tends to be energetic and outgoing, but not over-excitable. The dog has a kindly nature and is a natural fit as a family dog as it is gentle around children. Aggression is rare in the breed and dogs are usually friendly to humans and other pets alike. The breed's high intelligence also makes it a fast learner and eager to please its owners by performing tasks. This temperament is one of the main reasons the breed is so popular.