How to Housebreak My Golden Retreiver

The golden retriever is a family-friendly breed of dog that responds well to training. Begin housebreaking your retriever at two months of age to instill good habits. Show your golden what you expect of it, and set it up for success. When housebreaking your puppy, it is important that someone is available to stay with the dog to practice the training.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Toys
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    • 1

      Take your golden retriever outside immediately after it wakes or eats, after an active play session and before going to bed. Your puppy's digestive system is extremely sensitive at this stage, and the puppy will be unable to hold it. Lead the golden outside on a leash so it will learn to walk to the desired place without being carried. The leash will also prevent your puppy from wandering off.

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      Introduce the command "go potty" when your retriever is in the act of excreting. Praise your golden retriever enthusiastically and reward it with a short play session to give positive reinforcement. The golden enjoys retrieving toys.

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      Correct your golden retriever if you catch it passing waste in an undesirable area. Say "no" in a firm voice and quickly lead it outside. Praise the dog if it manages to finish outside. Do not scold your dog if you do not catch it in the act, because it will not understand. Clean up the mess and forget about it.