Physical Appearance
Pit Bulls are known for their stocky, muscular build. Ideally, the breed should display a "block" style head that is broadest in the cheek area. Meanwhile, the neckline is well defined and leads to a muscular, broad chest. Cropping Pit Bulls' ears is not a natural trait of the breed and is not required for show or health. The tail of the dog will be long and thin, with the entire body covered in a short, sleek coat.
The exact size of a Pit Bull Terrier will vary based on sex and the breeding line. However, on average, the breed will weigh between 35 and 55 lbs. and stand 18 to 22 inches tall at the shoulders. Due to cross breeding and the individual characteristics of dogs, however, Pit Bulls may weigh as little as 20 lbs. or as much as 110 lbs.
Pit Bull Terriers are naturally loyal and loving toward humans. The typical Pit Bull will rely heavily upon its owner to set boundaries, teach manners and provide plenty of attention. Due to a history of being bred for fighting, some Pit Bulls may be inherently dog aggressive, while others may not. It is imperative for owners to socialize their Pit Bull properly to gauge their tolerance for other animals and humans, just as with any dog.
Health Problems
Pit Bull Terriers are prone to certain health issues due to their size and lifespan. With a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years, it is likely that a Pit Bull will experience some type of poor health. The most common ailments among the breed include hip displaysia, parvovirus infection, cataracts and allergies. Thus, it is important for owners to keep their Pit Bull's vaccinations up to date and maintain a routine check-up schedule with a qualified veterinarian.