How Do I Get My Yorkie Puppy's Ear to Stand Back Up?

According to the American Kennel Club's standards, the Yorkshire Terrier's ears should be small, ''V'' shaped, and must stand erect with not much distance between them. If your Yorkshire Terrier's ears are laying flat on the head, or are semi-erect, there are some things you can try at home to help them ''stand a better chance'' of standing up. Keep in mind though, that if your Yorkie's ears are too large or too heavy, they may never be able to stand up despite your effort.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog clippers
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton ball
  • 2-inch masking tape
  • 1-inch masking tape
  • Blunt scissors
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    • 1
      Floppy ears in young Yorshire puppies is normal.

      Trim the hair on the front, back and edges of the ears, using the clippers, and being extremely careful not to cut the skin. Imagine a wide ''V'' in the back of your Yorkshire's ears and trim off the hair inside the ''V''. If your Yorkie's ears are long, then trim the ''V'' lower about half way down Clean the ears by pouring a little bit of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and passing it on the ears.

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      Hold one ear erect and run the tape around the ear into a circle. Repeat with the other ear. Both ears should be completely covered in masking tape.

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      Create a support for the ears to ensure they remain erect. Use a piece of the 1-inch-wide masking tape and run it completely around the two ears from back to front, and then tape it against itself right between both ears. Keep the tape on for no more than a week.

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      Remove the tape using blunted scissors by snipping carefully from the back of the ears and then up the back. Pull the tape away gently until the ears are free from tape. Clean the ears once again with the alcohol using the cotton ball and then let the ears rest for 24 hours.

    • 5
      After taping, the ears should stand erect with no support.

      Re-tape the ears even if they were standing up and keep for another week.This should help the cartilage adjust and gain strength, preventing the ears from flopping down again.