Blue Nose
The blue nose coloring is an oddity. Strange coloring for any dog can be attractive and sought after. However, it is important to know that this is not a rarity that raises the monetary value of the dog. This is simply a trait that shows up in all types of pit bulls.
The pit bull breed has tendencies toward animal aggression, and the blue nose is no exception. It is possible for them to be at peace with other animals if the right environment is provided, but it's important to monitor them closely. Pit bulls are not naturally aggressive toward people and therefore do not make good guard dogs without proper training. This dog does not have extra bite pressure or a different way to use their teeth for extra damage as some myths say. There is also no evidence of the brain swelling and causing them to go crazy. This myth started with doberman pinschers and has now been applied to pit bulls, but holds no truth.
Pit bulls are performance dogs. They are the professional athletes of the dog world. They can perform tasks well and are very muscular. A 6-foot fence is recommended because of their jumping ability. They are also very strong; take blue-nosed pit bull puppies through obedience training, as there is a possibility of being over powered if they see something they want.
Because of their strength and aggressive tendencies towards other animals, it is important to have the right environment if you are bringing a pit bull into your home. Other pets may cause fights that could end in tragedy. Even though the dog is not prone to aggression towards people, young children may inadvertently do something that the dog does not like and provoke a dangerous reaction. However, as long as proper precautions are taken, having a blue nosed pit bull puppy in your home can be a wonderful experience.