Siberian huskies are medium-sized dogs that can range in color from black to pure white. Their eyes may be brown or blue, and each of their eyes can be a different color. Dogs in this breed have ears that are triangular in shape and sit up high on the head. They have thick coats and can weigh between 35 to 65 lbs.
These dogs were originally bred in northeast Asia on the Siberian Peninsula by the Chukchi tribe. They were bred as high-endurance sled dogs meant to pull heavy loads long distances.
With their thick coats, Siberian huskies need weekly brushing. They need daily exercise that includes running and walking. They are moderately easy to train, learning new commands at an average rate.
These are generally friendly and gentle dogs. They are also very social dogs that interact well with people, children and other dogs. Siberian huskies have high energy levels and are generally not territorial.