Pros & Cons of Beagle Puppies

The beagle is a small to medium-sized dog that has a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years. Beagles have different colors: some are tricolored (having two colors plus white) like those in chocolate or lilac, others are blue or red tick in color or are tan and white, lemon and white or red and white (called a patch beagle). Those that are merle are not purebred beagles.
  1. Beagle Facts

    • Beagles originally came from Great Britain. They are hound-type dogs with a good sense of smell. This type of dog are house pets and hunting dogs. It uses a distinct howl, a characteristic bark, when hunting. It is a stubborn breed to train. A full-size beagle will have a height ranging between 13 and 16 inches and can weigh between 20 to 25 lbs. depending on gender.

    Beagle Puppies

    • Beagles puppies need more attention than other dog breeds because they are curious, full of energy and like to play. They need house training, obedience training, potty training and crate training. Pet owners can keep a beagle pup indoors, but it needs to be brought outdoors often to exercise, move and play around because they are an energetic breed. As beagle puppies mature, they begin to develop weak legs and a crooked back and are prone to a range of illnesses.

    Pros of Beagle Puppies

    • Beagles can fetch and return items like balls and plush toys. They are an intelligent breed, and when trained as a pup, can be disciplined. Puppies are capable of learning and understanding pet owners' commands if trained early or taken to some obedience classes. They are also good with children and other dogs, as well as cats if acquainted early. Beagle puppies show affection toward pet owners. They are playful, easy to keep clean and groom. It is a clean breed that only needs an occasional bath and brushing once in a while.

    Cons of Beagle Puppies

    • They love to dig and chew on things, so pet owners need to distract the dog by buying chew toys and bones for the puppy or risk having their own personal items chewed and buried. Training a beagle puppy is difficult because is has short attention spans. As a result, pet owners must repeat dog commands and demands more than a few times before it will end up as an obedient dog. Also, beagles howl very loud, and as pups they may learn early on this type of bark that is characteristic to their hunting abilities.