Dogs With an Average Weight of 20 Pounds

Selecting the right dog breed involves careful research. Different dog breeds exhibit various characteristics, habits and temperaments. One of the main factors for consideration is size. Deciding on a dog breed with an average weight of 20 pounds significantly narrows down the choices. A 20-pound dog is considered a small or medium dogs, and an individual dog's weight can vary from the average for the breed.
  1. Welsh Terrier

    • Welsh terriers average 20 pounds exactly, and they are the only breed that fits that description. This breed does not vary much in size from dog to dog, so the average is consistently 20 to 21 pounds. Welsh terriers are active dogs that can live in apartments as long as they are exercised regularly. This breed will need grooming, such as brushing the coat several times a week. Life expectancy is 10 to 12 years.

    Other Terriers

    • Boston terriers, Cesky terriers and Scottish terriers also average roughly 20 pounds when fully grown. Boston terriers weigh between 15 and 25 pounds, Cesky terriers average 15 to 25 pounds and Scottish terriers weigh between 19 and 22 pounds when fully grown. There is more variation from dog to dog with these breeds than with Welsh terriers.

    French Bulldog

    • French bulldogs average 19 to 28 pounds and 12 inches in height when fully grown. These dogs are playful, affectionate and lively, making them suitable companions for families. French bulldogs, or "Frenchies," interact well with other dogs, as well. The French bulldog's appearance consists of large square head, round eyes and bat-like ears that stand straight up. Coloring can be brindle, white, fawn or a combination of the three.

    German Spitz

    • The German spitz, in its toy size, weighs 15 to 24 pounds when fully grown. German spitz dogs have thick coats that are slightly shorter on the head of the dog than the body. The coat varies in color; it can be black, brown, grey, orange or white. German spitz dogs are alert, good jumpers and happy. They make effective watchdogs due to their attentiveness to their surroundings. These dogs do well in apartments, but they need daily exercise.

    Standard Dachshund

    • While many think of the miniature dachshund when the breed is mentioned, the standard dachshund actually averages 16 to 30 pounds when fully grown. Dachshunds originally were bred to hunt badgers and foxes. Characteristics of the dachshund's appearance are long bodies with very short legs, expressive eyes, hound-like ears and muscular, broad builds at the front of their bodies.