Difference Between Terriers & Gundogs

Both the terrier group and the gundog, or sporting group, are recognized by the American Kennel Club. These two dog groups have several differences. The terrier group includes dog breeds such as the bull, Airedale and fox terriers. Not all dogs with terrier in the name belong to the terrier family. For example the Yorkshire terrier belongs to the toy group. The gundog group includes dog breeds such as the Labrador retriever, Irish setter, pointer and cocker spaniel. Each group describes a number of dog breeds that have been developed to exhibit particular qualities and characteristics.
  1. History

    • The history of the terrier breeds differ from the history of the gundog breeds. Originally the terrier was developed to fight and kill small animals, such as rats and foxes in underground burrows. Breeders developed gundogs to work alongside people when hunting. Gundogs track and retrieve game.


    • The terrier has a reputation for having a courageous and feisty temperament, whereas the gundog is known for being intelligent and good-natured, according to the American Kennel Club. Breeds that belong to the terrier group are less likely to get along well with other dogs, whereas gundog breeds will generally get on well with other dogs.


    • Overall the terrier group is made up of small dog breeds, as these were developed to fit down burrows easily. Despite this there are several large terriers, such as the Airedale terrier. Likewise the gundog group is generally made up of large dogs, although there are exceptions, such as the medium-sized cocker spaniel. Another physical difference can be seen in the dogs' coat types. Many terrier breeds have a wiry coat, whereas gundogs have a soft coat.


    • Each group has a different set of general requirements that will determine what type of family individual dogs are suited to. Gundogs live best with active families as they are extremely energetic and have high stamina. This breed group also needs plenty of mental stimulation, such as training, to keep it content. Breeds in the terrier group require a confident owner capable of showing leadership to the dog to keep it balanced. Terriers also enjoy digging and should be provided with a digging pit where they can dig without being destructive.