Watch the Animal Plant video "Dogs 101: Dalmatian" available from on its website (See Resource 2). This brief, 5-minute video is a good introduction to the breed and covers the dog's basic traits, behavior, origin and other topics like health, training and care.
Purchase a book about Dalmatians. "The Official Book of the Dalmatian" produced by The Dalmatian Club of America is a recommend text with highly detailed and authoritative information. The club's website also contains a list of additional suggested reading material (See Resource 1).
Visit websites devoted to Dalmatians. There are many websites created by Dalmatian clubs, societies and pet owners which contain helpful information.
Contact a Dalmatian owner. The Dalmatian Club of America has a list of Dalmatian owners around the country willing to share information about resources available in their area. See Resource 1 for The Dalmatian Club of America's informational resources list.