Coat and Texture
Color is not the only discerning feature of the miniature Schnauzer's coat. When showing the miniature Schnauzer, it must not only display the typical double coat, but it must also be plucked and long enough for the judges to determine that it has the wiry texture and is not too soft. Schnauzers of any color must also have uniform skin pigmentation and coat coverage. No pink or white skin patches should be visible.
Black and Silver
The black and silver color in Schnauzers begins with a mix of grey and black in the top coat, in which the black is dominant, then fading to a true, solid black in the under coat. The under-body should be free from any fading or tan tinge, with dark grey or black as the prominent color. As it is also with the salt and pepper color, any difference in tone should be limited to no higher than the elbows.
Solid Black
Solid black is not the only solid color that appears in miniature Schnauzers, but it is the only solid color permitted in show dogs. For the most favorable ruling from a show judge, the top coat should be a heavy, glossy black and the undercoat a lighter, less intense black. A few single white hairs on the body are also allowed, as is a small white patch on the chest.
Salt and Pepper
A salt and pepper miniature Schnauzer is one of the color choices. Salt and pepper refers to the distribution of the hairs on a Schnauzer. It does not necessarily have to be black and white as the name suggests. Mixes of light and dark that include tan colors are also permitted. This color, like the black and white, is the result of a mix of colors in the top coat. Both black and white hairs are mixed with solid black and white hairs, with the banded hairs being predominant. The darker hairs fade to grey or silver in the extremities (snout, whiskers, and ears).
Colors of Miniature Schnauzers
The miniature Schnauzer was derived from the standard Schnauzer and recognized as a breed in 1889. Despite the size of the miniature Schnauzer, which ranges between 12 and 14 inches, it is a strong and protective guard dog. Its double coat, which consists of a wiry outer coat and soft undercoat, can have three different colors: black and silver, solid black or salt and pepper.