How to Tell if My Dog Is a Shar Pei

Shar Peis are one of the ancient dog breeds originating from China. These strong-willed, wrinkly dogs were originally bred to guard Chinese royalty. Shar Peis tend to learn quickly when they are being trained but possess a definite shyness towards strangers --- making them excellent guard dogs. If you have a dog you believe is a Shar Pei or is mixed with a Shar Pei, there are several ways you can identify the breed of your dog.


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      Examine the dog's physical characteristics. Shar Peis have some features that make them easily identifiable with the naked eye --- specifically their wrinkles. Look to see if the dog has many wrinkled layers of skin that cover its entire body. This is a sure sign that your dog is a Shar Pei or has Shar Pei lineage. Also, another indicator is the tail, which is quite thin and curves upwards at the end.

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      Look up pictures or books on the Shar Pei, and see if your dog's physical appearance and demeanor matches the dogs you find. If you have never seen a Shar Pei before, it can be difficult to judge based on appearance alone.

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      Weigh and measure the dog. Full grown Shar Peis typically weigh between 40 and 50 lbs. and stand at about 18 to 20 inches tall. Typically, males will be on the larger end of this range.

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      Bring your dog to see a veterinarian or other animal professional that can help you identify the breed. If you have doubts as to what breed of dog you own, a vet will normally be able to tell you what he suspects the dog is mixed with.

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      Have a DNA test done to confirm the dog's breed. There are many kits you can purchase to complete a cheek swab to test your animal's DNA. This will let you know the exact lineage and pinpoint what type of dog you are dealing with.