Chihuahua & Bulldog Differences

The bulldog is a medium-sized companion dog. The chihuahua is the smallest breed of domesticated dog. Depending on what you want in a pet, one of these dogs will be more suitable for you. Their difference in size, temperament, coat and life span may determine which dog is best for you.
  1. History

    • These two dogs originate from different parts of the world. The bulldog comes from England. It was used in the 13th century in bull-baiting. On the other hand, the chihuahua's origin is not confirmed. According to Animal Planet, some believe it came from China and brought to the New World by Spanish traders. Others believe it comes from Central and South America.


    • The bulldog is considered a medium-sized dog. The average adult male bulldog weighs 50 lbs.; an adult female weighs 40 lbs.. In comparison, a male and female chihuahua weighs less than 6 lbs.. Bulldogs are also taller. A bulldog is between 12 and 15 inches tall. The average chihuahua is between 6 and 9 inches.


    • Another difference is the temperament of each dog. Most bulldogs are friendly towards strangers chihuahuas are loyal to their owner and aren't very friendly to strangers. The bulldog can be aggressive to other dogs, while the chihuahua is good with other household dogs and pets. Also, the bulldog is playful and shows affection to humans. However, the chihuahua isn't as affectionate and playful.

    Life Span and Health Concerns

    • The chihuahua has a longer life span than the bulldog. A chihuahua lives between 14 and 18 years, and doesn't have any major health concerns. In comparison, a bulldog lives slightly less, between eight and 10 years. The breed of dog is prone to shoulder luxation, internalized tail, canine hip dysplasia and an elongated soft palate.

    Pace of Movement

    • The bulldog has a thick body and wide shoulders, which gives it a low center of gravity; it is not a quick mover. On the other hand, the chihuahua is small and compact, and runs around at a swift pace.