Basset Hound
The basset hound is a short-legged dog that normally weighs between 35 to 50 pounds. According to the American Kennel Club, the hound should not exceed 14 inches in height. The dog has distinctive physical traits, such as loose skin with many folds, long and floppy ears, brown eyes and a big nuzzle. A descendant if the bloodhound, a basset hound has a laid back temperament making it sociable.
Beagles make great family pets. A beagle is a sturdy hunting dog that typically weighs between 20 to 25 pounds. The dog's coat can be a variety of colors, most notably tri-colored (black, brown and white). A beagle is known for being social with both humans and other dogs. Due to its hunting instincts, a beagle will travel great distances to search out a scent, if left alone. The energetic dog requires daily exercise in order to remain happy and refrain from destructive behavior, such as tearing shoes or scratching at doors.
Samoyed dogs are too friendly to make efficient theft deterrents. A Samoyed is a dog breed that, according to Dog Guide, can weigh anywhere between 35 to 60 pounds. Physically, a Samoyed is known for its white, double-layer, long and furry coat and triangular ears. The dog is a gentle and peaceful breed to both humans and other pets. They may be too friendly to be kept as watch dogs. This intelligent dog breed will respond to dog training and advanced tricks.
Field Spaniel
The field spaniel makes a great hunting dog and family friend. A field spaniel is a medium-sized dog that weighs anywhere between 35 to 50 pounds. The dog is distinctive from other spaniel breeds for having lighter fur with no undercoat. The spaniel is friendly, sociable and receptive to obedience training. A hunting dog, the field spaniel works best when it is retrieving game for a hunter. Its advanced sense of smell helps locate game, and its soft mouth holds it securely.
List of Medium Dogs
The search for a dog companion is different for every person or family. Some dogs may be more attractive to potential owners due to their physical appearance -- such as those pet owners who are looking for a formidable foe for any would-be burglar. Medium-sized dogs may be suitable for families with small children. They are just the right size for small children who might handle smaller dogs too roughly, yet they are small enough not to be too weighty for small children, as even the friendliest of large dogs can be too rough with small children.