How to Get Papers for a Boxer

Registering your purebred boxer is important for proving your dog's genealogy for breeding and show purposes. Registered boxers are more valuable than non-registered boxers. Registration also serves as proof of ownership for a dog, which could prove invaluable if yours runs away. Most shelters require proof of ownership before they will release your dog to you. Some kennel clubs also offer fringe benefits, like a free veterinarian visit, free trial pet insurance, the opportunity to participate in competitions and more. Even if your boxer is not a purebred, these benefits (including some competitions) are still available when you register.

Things You'll Need

  • Application for registration
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    • 1

      Choose the kennel club with which you will register. You have several options, including the American Kennel Club, The United Kennel Club and Certified Pet Registration Kennel Club. The American Kennel Club is the most widely recognized and holds the most hotly contested competitions.

    • 2

      Name your boxer. Note that kennel clubs have restrictions for names. For example, the AKC does not allow titles or show terms (like champion) in registered names, and they allow only 37 dogs of each breed to share a name. Other restrictions may apply.

    • 3

      Complete the registration application with the litter owner. The litter must be registered before the kennel club will release certification to individual owners. Further, kennel clubs will not provide registration forms to new owners. Only the litter owner may obtain the registration application. The application includes information regarding your boxer's parents, gender, name, color, markings, registration type and transfer date. The forms also require information about all owners. All parties must sign the forms. Most kennel clubs allow you to register your pet online and manage the full registration process online.

    • 4

      Complete a supplemental transfer statement if you did not obtain your boxer directly from the litter owner. Each person who ever had custody of the dog must certify that the dog transferred is the same dog named on the application.

    • 5

      Submit the forms and payment. Wait a little while---the AKC says three weeks---for the kennel club to process the application.

    • 6

      Review the registration certificate when you receive it from the kennel club. Report any errors for correction.

    • 7

      Maintain your registration online. If you jointly own the dog with your spouse and later get divorced or if you own the dog and wish to later share ownership with someone else, you will need to submit change of ownership paperwork to the kennel club.