Giant Schnauzer
With a loyal nature and a playful personality, the giant schnauzer makes a lovable family pet. They are highly intelligent and learn quickly. They are also well-behaved as long as they are socialized and not allowed to think they are dominant over family members. Growing to over 2 feet at the shoulder and weighing upwards of 80 lbs., they are imposing fully grown. As a guard dog they are suspicious of strangers and protective of family and property with a loud warning bark that deters most.
With an aggressive look and a fearless nature, the rottweiler makes a very effective guard dog for just about any situation. If raised correctly with a firm hand and plenty of socializing they can be a loving family pet who will defend the household with fierce tenacity. Standing over 2 feet tall at the shoulder, they are a burly breed weighing upwards of 130 lbs. Well-trained rottweilers are good around young family members and even cats, but strangers will be kept at bay.
Cane Corso
A combination of imposing size and a gentle disposition with those it loves makes the cane corso a good home watchdog. Loyal by nature, they are generally calm and quiet around the house and easy to train to due to high intelligence. Standing at over 2 feet at the shoulder and weighing up to 110 lbs., they are heavily muscled. The breed does not bark or show much aggression unless it has to and it will not back down from anyone if it is protecting itself or its family.
African Boerboel
Stoutly built and powerful, the African boerboel stands at over 2 feet at the shoulder and weights upwards of 200 lbs. They are highly intelligent, easy to train and have a calm, loving nature toward their owners. Socializing and firm training from a young age makes them good family dogs and tolerant of young children and other pets. They are distrustful of strangers in the absence of their owners and no one will get into the family home unchallenged. The loyalty instinct of the breed is so deep that they will often defend family members with their lives.
The Best Guard Dog Breed for Homeowners
Several factors need to be considered when choosing a guard dog. The best home guard dogs are loyal, brave, alert and either have a loud, threatening bark or appear physically imposing. These traits make them good protectors, but to make them a good family pet they need other traits. Personality aspects such as a gentle nature or a docile, relaxed attitude makes a dog an ideal choice for a watchdog who shares the home with young children and other pets.