How to Pick Up a Chihuahua the Size of a Teacup

Chihuahuas are a tiny breed of dog and require special handling when lifting. The American Kennel Club breed standard calls for a Chihuahua to be no heavier than six pounds. Lifting a Chihuahua incorrectly can cause pressure on the neck and spine. Lifting puppies incorrectly can warp their joints and cause problems with their legs growing straight. So it's important to fully support the dog whenever you pick it up.


    • 1

      Slide one hand under the Chihuahua's chest, and the other hand under its rump.

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      Lift the dog with both hands and cradle it next to your body.

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      Set the dog down gently if it starts to struggle. You don't want the Chihuahua to jump out of your hands while you are standing.