Personality Differences Between a Cairn Terrier Female Vs. Male Dogs

The Cairn Terrier is a small vermin hunter dog from Scotland. The Cairn Terrier coat comes in a range of colors and brindles, only white is unseen. Fans of the film "The Wizard of Oz" will be familiar with the breed, as "Toto" was a gray Cairn Terrier. As is typical for small terriers, the Cairn is bold, intelligent, tenacious and feisty. If you are thinking of getting a Carin Terrier as a pet, you must choose between a dog or a bitch. Although typically negligible, there are certain personality differences.
  1. Protectiveness

    • Most personality differences are linked to reproductive function. A female is most likely to exhibit protective instincts to her unborn when pregnant and to the pups when whelping. A male Cairn Terrier is more likely than a female to instinctively protect the pack. According the American Kennel Club, Cairn Terriers are prone to chasing, this may be more pronounced in males who are protective. Males are larger and therefore marginally more capable of seeing off predators or threats in the wild. In the domestic context this may translate as your male Cairn Terrier being more likely to chase down the postman than your female.


    • Male dogs are typically more dominant than females due to their need to establish a pack leader, which is always an alpha male. Cairn Terriers are prone to aggression toward other dogs, which is more typical in males.

    Female Hormones

    • Personality differences between dogs of a different gender are typically linked to the increased hormonal activity that the female experiences twice a year. The canine menstrual cycle has approximately two "seasons" per year. While menstruating, your female Cairn Terrier may be more sensitive. Her body is producing a lot more estrogen at this time. She may become temporarily withdrawn while her hormones are unsettled. Cairns are typically independent-minded. When pregnant, this Cairn trait may be accentuated in females.

    Effect of Female Hormones on Male Personality

    • Although the male isn't directly influenced by increased estrogen production in a female in heat, he may react to the scent given off by the female. Cairn Terriers are typically outgoing. When distracted by a female in heat, the male's friendly and outgoing nature may develop into persistent following. If you have a male and a female dog, your male may become agitated while the female is in season. His instinct is to mate and the scent he picks up is a sign that the female wants to mate. Your male Cairn may whine, pace and follow the female around. The female season lasts approximately two weeks, after which time both male and female behavior should revert back to normal.

    Nesting Instinct

    • Pregnant bitches experience a range of hormonal changes during pregnancy. Toward the end of pregnancy, the "nesting" instinct kicks in. The body produces hormones to tell the bitch she is close to delivering her litter. Her instinct is to find a quiet, secluded space to deliver her litter. In the wild, this instinct protected her and the pups from predators. While nesting, your female Cairn Terrier might be slightly aggressive if disturbed. Her instinct tells her to be protective of her territory during this time. The typical Cairn instinct of digging and chasing can diminish in females when overpowered by the nesting instinct.