A schnauzer has a similar personality to a poodle. The schnoodle is a loyal animal, affectionate, friendly and active. The intelligence of a schnoodle is extremely high, making the dog easy to train, clever and filled with personality. The schnoodle is a good watchdog, but it is not an aggressive animal. They are typically not barkers, but they will challenge their masters for control over the house. Schnoodles are therapy dogs because of their loving loyal nature. The schnoodle is not a dog that sheds because of its lineage. They do need clipping and their nails trimmed routinely.
Schnauzers are very agile and quick. A schnauzer is a chunky dog, sturdy, muscular and square shaped. The length of the schnauzer is proportionate to its height, creating a boxy body type. Since the schnauzer is known for its rugged build, dense hair, wiry whiskers and moustache. The ideal height of a schnauzer is between 18 1/2 and 19 1/2 inches for males and 17 1/2 to 18 1/2 inches for females. Since the schnauzer is a purebred, any deviation in appearance marks the dog as faulty. A faulty appearance means the dog is not useable for breeding purebreds at the normal fee scale.
Poodles are water dogs trained to retrieve in swamps and ponds. The poodle has superior intelligence and a very high ability to learn. The poodle is a great competitor because of its natural instinct to conform and obey. The poodle is also a hunter, is agile and very adept at tracking. The trimming of the poodle we see now is for show. The original poodle clip design was for the purpose of hunting and swimming. The original poodle was a water dog used to retrieve fowl for hunters. The hair texture of the poodle today shows the dog's original purpose. The poodle is not a fragile dog. The body of a poodle is strong and muscular and their bones are solid.
The hybrid dog is groomed for style not practicality. A hybrid dog like the schnoodle is not necessarily a purebred. The hybrid is a new type of dog designed to enhance likeable traits in various breeds to create a higher quality animal. Hybrid dogs are more consistent in size, appearance and behavior. A designer dog is a hybrid dog. What breeders fail to acknowledge is that in crossbreeding dogs there is a possibility of the breed's worst traits to come out. Heredity doesn't always work the way a breeder plans. The dog, no matter what its parents are, is an individual and will develop its own traits and characteristics.
What Are Schnoodle Poodles?
The schnoodle is not a purebred, but a hybrid dog. It is a schnauzer and a poodle bred to create a schnoodle. The temperament of the schnoodle is dependent upon the combination of characteristics between both breeds. When you mix breeds, the traits of the animal are unpredictable. When breeding hybrid dog their lineage may not be that of a purebred. Breeders often combine common breeds to produce a higher quality of animal.