What Kind of Dog Is Protective of Animals & Land?

It is important to consider your needs when picking out a dog, as different breeds come with different advantages and disadvantages. Many people choose to seek out a protective dog, which serve to guard over land, people and other animals. A dog's inclination to offer protection stems largely from the tasks it has been bred to do over the years. The need to protect strengthens as a dog bonds with its owner and fellow animals. German shepards, bullmastiffs, Doberman pinschers and Akita Inus represent the most protective breeds that also accommodate pet owners with love and companionship.
  1. German Shepards

    • German shepherds are a large dog breed known for being intelligent and protective. German shepherds are pack animals that become very protective over people, other animals and land that they grow accustomed to. To ensure their protective nature, you must spend a large amount of time with them and make sure they are well-trained. Since they have a lot of energy, they also must have regular exercise. German shepherds are also very vocal and will alert owners when intruders near another animal or what they perceive as their land. They have upright ears and typically have a dot on their cheek.


    • Bullmastiff dogs are a cross between mastiffs and bulldogs. Like German shepherds, bullmastiffs grow very attached to other people and animals and will become very protective of them. If an intruder approaches, they are known to knock them over and stand on them to prevent entrance into what they see as their land. Bullmastiffs are very large and muscular. Adult dogs way upwards of 130 pounds and must be trained and accompanied constantly to ensure they do not cause damage to a home. They will be protective of any animal, whether it be a cat or a dog, and they have even been known to protect land and other property.

    Doberman Pinschers

    • The Doberman pinscher is a black and brown dog that is more in line with the size of a German shepherd than a bullmastiff. They generally will not exceed 100 pounds. They are very particular about who comes onto their land and near the people and animals they perceive as part of their pack. Dobermans have long tails that some owners clip after birth. Their ears are also often cropped so that they stand up straight instead of flopping over. Without proper training. Doberman pinschers can be mean instead of protective. A well-trained dog, however, will heed its owners commands and protect only when necessary.

    Akita Inus

    • The Akita Inu breed of dog is Japanese in origin. These dogs are usually light colored and become very protective of their owner and fellow dogs. They are highly intelligent and will bark if they believe someone is on their land that should not be there. They generally stay very close to their owner and fellow pets. The Akita has a tail that curls around and possesses more hair than many other protective breeds. Due to this, shedding is also increased.