How to Train a Cairn Terrier Puppy

Cairn terrier puppies are strong-willed and intelligent by nature, according to the Cairn Terrier Club of America. Originally bred in Scotland as hunting dogs to help farmers control rodent and pest populations, cairn terriers possess an innately high prey drive that poses a unique challenge to owners of cairn terrier pups. These dogs are easily bored by repetition and frequently try to test their owner's authority, making adequate training an absolute necessity for Carin terrier pups. Although quick to learn, training a cairn terrier is also a trial of patience.


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      Train with a positive, reward-based system like the "ask, tell, command" system. Ask your puppy to perform an action, like sit. If the dog sits, reward it with a treat or praise. If the dog doesn't sit, use a sterner voice and tell it to sit. If it sits, reward it with praise or a treat. If it doesn't sit, use your sternest voice to command the dog to sit. Physically position or aid the dog in performing whatever action you commanded. Give verbal praise. Repeat.

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      Work often, but in short intervals. Carin terriers have a notoriously short attention span. Pay attention to your dog's demeanor when training. End training sessions before the dog's attention wanders.

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      Apply a purpose to your training sessions. Carin terriers don't like to waste time -- they prefer to have a job to do. Turn training sessions into a game. If you're teaching your cairn terrier puppy to fetch, for example, make the dog fetch a toy which it can then play with if it performs successfully.

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      Vary your puppy's rewards. Don't always give a food treat after the dog performs a task successfully -- otherwise it will only learn to perform well for that treat. Use verbal praise, pets, play time and food as possible treats.

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      Correct negative behaviors verbally. Do not use physical punishment when training a cairn terrier puppy. Carin terriers are sensitive creatures. Physical punishment can cause them to behave destructively. Use a firm "no" when cairn terriers misbehave.