A Maltese is a spunky and fairly hypoallergenic breed. The Maltese is a small dog, usually weighing four to six pounds. Known for their long, silky white hair, the Maltese is an excellent choice for children with allergies--they are gentle, energetic, and playful. Although they generally have long coats, they do not shed and are less likely to aggravate allergy problems. A Maltese should be brushed every day and groomed often to control dander and mats.
Poodles do not shed and make energetic companions for children. A poodle is active, smart, and very obedient. They come in different sizes: standard poodles are more than 15 inches at the shoulder, miniatures are more than 10 inches but less than 15, and toy poodles are 10 inches or less. They are active, gentle and friendly with children, and do not shed their curly coats so they are easy on allergies. Poodles should be groomed every six weeks.
Chinese Crested
A Chinese Crested is patient with kids and partially hairless. Chinese Crested dogs may have evolved from African hairless on ships with Chinese mariners. They have no hair except on their heads, tails, and feet. They shed very little or no hair and are recommended by the AKC for families with allergies. Because they are mostly hairless, they are prone to sunburn and skin irritation so they require extra care. They are playful, energetic and make an excellent companion for gentle children.
Kerry Blue Terrier
Kerry Blues were first bred for hunting. They are obedient, agile, fun-loving and energetic. They have a hypoallergenic coat that must be brushed and groomed on a regular basis. Kerry Blue Terriers reach about 18 inches at the shoulder and weigh around 35 pounds. Do not consider this dog if you already have other pets; because they are hunters, they might not do well with cats or other small pets.
Bedlington Terrier
Bedlington Terriers weigh about 20 pounds and have a gray or sandy-colored, woolly coat, making them look like a baby lamb. They shed very little if at all and produce little dander, making them quite hypoallergenic. They are gentle and energetic playmates for children. A Bedlington must be groomed and trimmed regularly.
Dog Breeds That Are Good With Children & Allergies
According to the American Kennel Club, "approximately 10 percent of Americans are allergic to dogs, with reactions ranging from itchy eyes to more serious complications such as asthma attacks or constricted breathing." Many breeds of dogs are also more temperamental, providing risk to children. Before adding a new member to your family, choose an appropriate breed if you have allergies or children in your home.