Good Dogs for People With Asthma

Owning a dog is an experience many individuals and families want to take part in, but dealing with asthma can make keeping certain breeds dangerous. There are, however, a number of breeds with shorter hair or that shed less that can be safe for those with asthma to own.
  1. Terriers

    • Terriers are small dogs withs short hair, and they aren't as prone to shedding fur or dander as some other breeds. Breeds such as the Yorkshire terrier or Kerry Blue terrier are known to not have an undercoat, which prevents them from shedding. They do need regular haircuts, though, to keep their coats from growing too long, which can agitate asthma. Luckily, their hair can be as short as you like, to cut down on the likelihood of an attack.


    • Poodles do not shed, and their hair doesn't grow too quickly, requiring trimming only about every six to eight weeks. The poodle comes in three sizes--standard, miniature and toy--and all three are good choices for their low dander output.

    Shih Tzus

    • A Shih Tzu is a Chinese breed that typically weighs less than 10 pounds. These animals take more maintenance to ensure they're safe to be around people with asthma. The coat can be trimmed often to cut down on dander, or can be brushed daily to get rid of skin flakes if you choose to keep the hair longer. Shih Tzus are also sensitive to heat and must be kept cool or they will sweat, which can also trigger an asthma attack. When kept properly, however, this breed can work well for those with breathing issues.