How to Train a German Shepherd Puppy for a Conformation Show

A conformation dog show is a competition for the best of breed, which means that in order to be eligible an animal must meet the high standard of requirements for its particular breed. In the case of the German shepherd, strong colors are preferred and any white coloration is not eligible. The dog should have a thick, muscular frame with a soft outline that is without any sharp angles. Owners should begin the conformation training early, although the German shepherd is generally very responsive to training at any age.

Things You'll Need

  • Clicker
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Begin by rewarding the puppy whenever it is in a standing position. The puppy should be standing in front of the owner with its nose pointing toward your right hand. Use the clicker and reward the German shepherd using minimal vocal commands. Use hand signals rather than commands where possible; this is preferred during the conformation show.

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      Practice moving the puppy's head into the desired standing position. Grasp the puppy's muzzle gently between the fingers. Once it becomes comfortable and shows no resistance, use the clicker and reward the puppy with a treat.

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      Move the puppy's head slightly to its left using slight pressure with the fingertips rather than physically moving the head. Once the puppy responds to the pressure by moving its head to the left, use the clicker and reward with a treat. Practice moving the puppy's legs into the correct position only touching the limb above the elbow.

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      Reward the German shepherd puppy for trotting during a walk, and progress by throwing treats in front of the puppy while walking to get it used to following without looking at the owner directly. If a dog looks at the owner when trotting around the ring at a conformation show, it will often throw its pace off balance, which could result in the deduction of points.