How to Adopt or Buy Basset Hounds

With their booming voices and long ears, basset hounds have captured the hearts of many pet lovers. For those in the market to adopt or buy a basset hound, it can be difficult to know where and how to obtain one. Fortunately, there are plenty of places where basset hounds are available for purchase or adoption.


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      Visit an animal shelter to look for basset hounds. Unfortunately, quite a few basset hounds end up in animal shelters. This is likely due to the fact that some who obtain basset hounds do not do the research on this breed beforehand and end up unhappy with the breed's traits. For instance, some cannot tolerate the loud barking that bassets engage in. While bassets can be trained to not bark much, it is in their nature to bark and bark loudly, at that. Therefore, it is best to understand the qualities---both good and bad---of basset hounds before you bring one home to be your pet.

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      Locate a basset hound rescue. Your veterinarian's office will likely have a list of basset hound rescues that you can contact. The basset rescue will put you through an interview process, which may include a home visit. The rescue will want to make sure you are aware of the breed's trademark characteristics and potential health problems, including back issues, before it places a basset in your home. A basset rescue's main purpose is to provide its dogs with forever homes. If the rescue feels as though you are not knowledgeable of the breed or can't provide the care the dog requires, it will likely deny your adoption.

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      Contact a basset hound breeder. Basset hound breeders can supply basset hound puppies and sometimes adults, as well. Be particular about which basset hound breeder you choose, however, because you don't want to purchase a puppy that comes from basset hounds that have health issues. Basset hounds are prone to developing orthopedic problems and allergies, along with other issues. Theoretically, bassets with these conditions should not breed. However, if you obtain a basset puppy from parents that have these problems, your puppy could develop the same issues. Therefore, ask to view the veterinary records of the puppy's parents and make sure their hips and elbows are certified to be healthy. Also, take a look at the basset parents. Although you can't always tell the health of a basset by looking at it, you can see if it has a skin issue or if it limps. If so, move on to a breeder who doesn't breed bassets with defects it can pass on to its offspring.