Find a local veterinarian who will advise you on the appropriate vaccines and care for your dog. Young puppies will need their initial vaccination shots, followed by periodic booster injections. Your vet can also advise you on diet, exercise and other aspects of your dog's care. Make sure you also remember to get your dog dewormed regularly.
Familiarize yourself with potential health problems your beagle might be susceptible to. These include epilepsy and heart disease, as well as problems with their backs and eyes. It is also important to keep beagle's ears dry and clean them regularly to avoid infections. However, according to canine information website K9 Obedience, beagles are a healthy breed and don't usually suffer from serious ailments.
Feed your beagle high quality dog food. According to the American Kennel Club, beagles need a surprisingly small amount of food given how active they are. They recommend 1 to 2 small cups of dried premium dog food each day.
Exercise your beagle at least once every day. This breed is very energetic and could develop behavioral problems and destructive habits if they can't walk off some of their energy. Giving them a secure, fenced area to roam around in during the day will also help keep their exercise needs satisfied.
Groom your beagle weekly. The breed's short hair means that it doesn't require daily brushing, but grooming the dog once a week will help remove any excess hair and give you a chance to check its ears and nails to make sure they are healthy. Unless they become dirty while walking, beagles need to be bathed and shampooed only occasionally.