The History of Labrador Dogs

According to American Kennel Club Registration Statistics, Labrador Retrievers were the most popular dog breed in the United States from 1991 to 2010. They are friendly, highly intelligent and versatile dogs. Labradors today are pets, hunting dogs and service dogs. These dogs have a rich history that began as early as the 1700s.
  1. Place of Origin

    • Labrador Retrievers originated in Newfoundland, but they were not the same dogs we know now. They were taken to England in the 1800s, where they were crossed with other retrievers, setters and spaniels. The result was the breed we know as “Labs.”

    Original Name

    • The name “Labrador Retriever” was not given to the breed until much later in its history. According to D. Caroline Coile in “Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds” the dogs were known as “St. Johns Water Dogs” or “Lesser Newfoundlands.”


    • The Labrador’s waterproof coat and webbed toes make it an excellent water dog. Before they became hunting dogs, Labradors helped fisherman pull in nets and retrieve any fish that got loose.


    • Black was originally the only accepted color for Labradors. Now three colors, black, yellow and chocolate, are recogized by breeders.

    AKC Recognition

    • The American Kennel Club recognized Labrador Retrievers in 1917.