American Bull Dog Temperament

The American bull dog, or American bully, has a longer muzzle and legs than the more familiar English bulldog. The two bull dog breeds do share similar temperaments.
  1. Aggression

    • Aggressiveness to people was bred out of all bulldog breeds. American bulldogs may be aggressive to other dogs, however, especially strange dogs.


    • American bulldogs need far more exercise than English bulldogs. If denied exercise, they will channel the energy into developing bad habits.


    • Because the American bulldog needs so much exercise, this is not a good dog in an apartment, according to ASPCA Complete Guide to Dogs.


    • If exposed to children, cats and other animals as a puppy and given positive reinforcement, American bulldogs will get along with them and not be aggressive toward them.


    • This is a strong, highly intelligent dog that will test the owner’s commands many times. This can be seen as stubbornness, according to ASPCA Complete Guide to Dogs.