Pomeranian Training Tips

Pomeranians are very popular dogs due to their cute appearance, intelligence, and small size. They are ideal companions for dog lovers with limited home space. Pomeranians are known for requiring a lot of attention and for being stubborn in their ways. This stubbornness can make training them a chore at times, especially when they're puppies.
  1. Get Them in Pairs

    • Pomeranians are very social dogs that require a lot of attention, so getting two of them can curtail some behavior problems because they can keep each other company and this makes general training easier. Since they are intelligent, they can also take behavior cues off of each other by seeing what behavior results in rewards for the other dog. Having two of them can also make training them to not bark excessively easier because they are more likely to bark when they are alone and bored.

    Use Regular Schedules

    • Keep your Pomeranian on a regular schedule and routine that it can get used to. This will make it much easier for your Pomeranian to be potty trained because it will be eating and going outside at the same times every day. The dog's body will get used to the schedule and mentally it will know when it needs to urinate or defecate. House training requires more regular trips outside in the beginning since Pomeranian puppies have small bladders and are not likely to be able to hold it all night. The outside runs can be scaled back to several regular times each day once the dog has established that urinating in the house is not allowed.

    Utilize Treat Training

    • Pomeranians respond very well to "treat training," which is when they are given a small treat as a reward for performing a desired task. Yelling and hitting a Pomeranian is not an effective training tool since the dog is more likely to fear you and associate you with negative things, which could result in more disobedience such as failure to follow verbal commands. Using treats for good behavior and a firm "no" for bad behavior establishes strict behavioral guidelines for the Pomeranian. They are traditionally smarter than many other breeds of dogs, so they usually respond to these methods quickly.