Toy Puggles Information

Due to their small size, toy or pocket dog breeds are popular among both dog breeders and dog owners. Toy puggles, smaller versions of the puggle, a beagle-pug hybrid, are no exception. Before purchasing a toy puggle, it is a good idea to research basic toy puggle information and care tips.
  1. Physical Characteristics

    • Toy puggles differ from their larger counterparts only when it comes to size and the fact that toy puggles tend to be less wrinkled then standards. Otherwise, their physical characteristics and temperament are identical to those of standard puggles. Standard puggles weigh approximately 17-30 pounds when fully grown, while Toy Puggles weigh between 8 and 16 pounds.

      Toy Puggles look like a cross between beagles and pugs, but can have very different appearances, with some dogs resembling pugs more then beagles and vice-versa. Most puggles have the shorter, more compact bodies of pugs and the floppy ears of a beagle, and are usually cream colored, tan, or dark brown in color.


    • Toy puggles are known for their friendly, affectionate temperament, and most are easygoing, intelligent dogs that get along well with small children and are easy to train. They are also known for being full of energy and can easily become hyperactive if they are not given enough exercise.

    Health Concerns

    • Most purebred pugs suffer from upper respiratory problems due to their short muzzles, and puggles that inherit this trait face a greater likelihood of suffering from them as well. Toy puggles are also prone to ear infections, heat sensitivity, and eye infections.

    Buying Toy Puggles

    • Due to the popularity of this hybrid it may be difficult to find a toy puggle in an animal shelter or humane society, but searching there first is still an option. Otherwise, toy puggles can be purchased from breeders and from pet stores. Just make sure to research the breeder or pet store thoroughly before purchasing a dog.


    • Before bringing a new toy puggle home, make sure that you have the time, money, and space for a new pet and are prepared to deal with any health problems or behavioral issues that your new dog may have. While toy puggle puppies are adorable, purchasing an adult dog is one way to make sure that you are purchasing a dog with a documented behavioral and health history.