Give your bulldog plenty of attention. This includes petting, playing and even letting him sit on your lap. Bulldogs require constant affection, or behavior problems can occur.
Take your bulldog on a short walk every day, with the dog walking at your side or behind you.
Go through the doorway on your walks before your English bulldog to show that you are the dominant leader.
Crate the dog when you are not at home. Bulldogs are chewers and are often destructive when they are lonely. Make sure to have a lot of chew toys to entertain your dog.
Say "No!" in a sharp, loud voice if your bulldog ever growls at you or your children. This is a sign of alpha canine behavior and you must show him that you are dominant.
Never let your bulldog sleep in bed with you unless you invite him up. Your dog must understand its place in your home.
Expose your bulldog to other dogs and people as often as possible to socialize it.
Introduce your English bulldog to change slowly. Bulldogs are very observant, often barking and carrying on when items or furniture is out of place.
How to Maintain a Wild English Bulldog
With its thick shoulders, large head and sagging jowls, bulldogs look somewhat menacing. Their short, thick stature gives many the impression that bulldogs are a lazy breed. However, bulldogs are actually a very gentle breed, perfect for families with children. English bulldogs are extremely loyal and completely devoted to their human owners. This does not exclude the English bulldog from behavior problems, however. English bulldogs with wild temperament and "bad" behavior have underlying problems relating to poor training, lack of exercise and boredom. Maintain your English bulldog by giving him the proper attention and showing him who is the boss.