Have your Chihuahua vaccinated with a series of puppy vaccinations (if it is under one year old) or with an annual booster shot. These shots should include the rabies vaccination, even if your toy hairless Chihuahua is going to be an "inside only" dog.
Bathe your toy hairless Chihuahua on a regular basis. Make sure that immediately after bathing, you thoroughly dry your dog, as hairless breeds tend to chill easily. At least once a week, you should trim your Chihuahua's nails.
Keep your toy hairless Chihuahua warm. By their very nature, Chihuahuas tend to gravitate to where there is warmth, such as under the blankets on a winter day. If you put your Chihuahua out when it's cold, make sure your dog is wearing something warm and does not stay outside too long.
Feed your toy hairless Chihuahua a quality food. Look at the ingredients and make sure the first ingredient is meat based. Many of the more inexpensive dog foods on the market have grains in large quantity, and these really aren't good for your toy hairless Chihuahua. Also, because you've got a smaller dog, make sure the kibble you feed is small enough for your dog to comfortably eat.
Socialize your toy hairless Chihuahua as soon as possible. Because of their small size, the world is an intimidating place, and they need to understand that they are going to be kept safe. If you keep your toy hairless Chihuahua bonding only to you, it's going to be one of those "yappy" dogs that many people dislike.
Place your toy hairless Chihuahua in a crate when you are not home or cannot keep an eye on it. By their very nature, dogs are den animals, and being in an enclosed environment makes them feel more secure. Housebreaking a toy hairless Chihuahua without crate training can be very, very challenging.
Give your toy hairless Chihuahua appropriate treats. Since they are small dogs that tend to look very cute when they are begging, they can quickly become overweight. Refrain from giving them table scraps, since they might have problems with digesting human food.
Exercise your dog on a daily basis. This can be as simple as throwing a ball for a few minutes a day, to taking a walk around the block. The important thing is that by keeping your toy hairless Chihuahua at a healthy weight and in good shape, you'll have a companion that can be with you for as long as 18 years.