Facts About Shiba Inu Puppies

The Shiba Inu is one of the nine AKC-recognized breeds that originated in Japan. These bright, affectionate dogs are popular pets in the United States, but before you buy a Shiba Inu puppy, you should know what to expect from the breed.
  1. Needs

    • It's important that people who are thinking about adding a Shiba Inu to their family consider the care this breed requires. Although they can live in apartments, they need plenty of exercise. Puppies especially do better with access to a yard. As puppies, Shiba Inus should be made part of the family so they don't feel left out.


    • Shiba Inus are medium-sized, very solid dogs. They come in a range of colors, from solid beige to red and black. They have double coats even as puppies, and will grow to 13 to 16 inches and 15 to 25 pounds.


    • Shiba Inus are bright and personable. They are courageous, bold dogs that are loving and dedicated to their owners. These dogs are easily trained and very good with children. Puppies should be socialized early to help them grow into healthy dogs.


    • Shiba Inus are Japanese dogs originally bred to hunt wild game like bear and boars. These dogs nearly died out during World War II, but breeding programs managed to save the breed.


    • Shiba Inus are prone to hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy and slipped knee caps. The dogs live for 12 to 15 years. They also shed very heavily.