Facts on Treeing Walker Coonhounds

Treeing Walker coonhounds resemble basset hounds. Like the basset hound, treeing walker coonhounds track game by scent. Firmly established among the hunting group, the breed belongs to select group of raccoon treeing hounds. Only five other breeds belong to the group, including the black and tan, bluetick, English, redbone, and the plott hound. This rare breed gets its name from its ability to tree raccoons. The treeing Walker coonhound needs an experienced dog owner.
  1. Description

    • This coonhound breed reaches between 20 to 27 inches tall and weighs around 50 to 70 lbs. The males grow larger than females. At first glance, the treeing Walker looks like a leggy beagle mixed with another hound. In fact, the beagle and treeing Walker share a common ancestor: the English foxhound. The coonhound possesses a glossy, fine coat with just enough density to keep the canine warm in cool climates. At dog shows, the judges follow the standards laid out by the American Kennel Club, which give preference to the tri-colored--black, white and tan--hound. The AKC penalizes this breed for color variations other than tan and white, tri-colored, and black and white.


    • The treeing walker coonhound developed from English Walker foxhounds in the late 18th century. Treeing Walker coonhounds began with a man named Thomas Walker, a Virginia man who loved hunting, imported hounds from England in 1742. Combined with George Washington's stock of hounds, these hounds became the foundation of the Virginia hounds, which eventually developed in the treeing Walker coonhound. Two more men, John W. Walker and George Washington Maupi, both from Kentucky, steered the breed into existence. The United Kennel Club originally lumped the treeing Walker coonhound in with the English coonhound, but protests from breeders made the U.K.C. formally recognize the breed in 1945.

    Tennessee Lead

    • Modern treeing Walker coonhounds owe a lot to an unexceptional looking dog from Tennessee named Tennessee Lead. He possessed a strong drive with high quality game sense and a speed to burn. Lead's characteristics, such as the above mentioned traits and a short mouth, entered the breed's bloodline in the 19th century.


    • The treeing Walker coonhound usually handles attention from other dogs and young children well, if socialized when young. It makes a great family pet, trains easily, and requires plenty of exercise. Athletic and energetic describes this breed best. It loves to work, because it finds the chase fun. The breed aims to please. Hunters find the treeing walker hound an excellent hunting companion displaying sure-footedness and top-notch physical ability


    • The treeing Walker coonhound needs limited grooming. Bred to hunt, the gogs' noses often lead them into trouble and can cause the canine to become separated from its owner. Generally healthy, the breed lives about 12 to 13 years. A treeing Walker coonhound needs space to roam, preferably in a fenced-in area.