Vaccination Side Effects in Yorkies

Yorkshire terriers, or nicknamed Yorkies for short, are a popular small dog breed known for their long silky coats and strong presence as a show dog. There have been a few known breed related health issues present in a small percentage of the Yorkie population. One of these issues is certain reactions and side effects to vaccinations.
  1. Injection Reaction

    • Yorkies have very sensitive skin and the most common breed-related side effect from vaccinations is adverse skin reactions. This is often displayed as inflammation or hair loss around the area the vaccination was given. Yorkies with history of other ailments or skin allergies are susceptible to more reactions than others.

    Allergic Reactions

    • Vaccinations are a necessity for all canine species and are administered initially as a puppy. A single vaccination or a series of 3 or 4 vaccinations as a puppy is usually sufficient to last a lifetime but veterinarians often include most of them in the annual booster shot mix. Severe allergic reactions to these vaccinations may lead to death due to the size and weight of Yorkies. This is particularly common with the parvovirus vaccination.

    Epilepsy & Behavioral Problems

    • Epilepsy and behavioral problems can present itself within a few days of a vaccination or later on in a Yorkie's life. Such behavior issues include aggression, separation anxiety and obsessive actions. The full extent of the cause of this side effect has not yet been determined.

    Autoimmune Disease

    • It has been a long practice in veterinary medicine to provide dogs with yearly booster shots. However, numerous vaccines and the frequent administration of them may overload a Yorkie's tiny body and cause autoimmune diseases as a result. Some holistic veterinarians such as Dr. Christina Chambreau from Sparks, Maryland suggest limiting the number of vaccinations given to avoid such problems.

    Rabies Vaccinations

    • Rabies vaccinations are troublesome for most dog breeds and Yorkies are not an exception. It is a required vaccination in many states so owners should be aware of the symptoms of the numerous adverse reactions common to it. Vomiting, swelling, fever, shock, loss of consciousness and even death can occur within three days of the vaccination. Long term effects include problems such as autoimmune diseases, chronic digestive problems, allergies, behavioral problems and cancer.