How to Control Diarrhea in a Dog

If you have pets, it is always good idea to have a veterinarian to whom you can turn when there is a problem. If your dog has diarrhea, you may need to contact your vet for advice. If the diarrhea is severe or persists, and the dog seems listless or shows other symptoms, you may need to bring the dog to the vet for examination and testing.

Things You'll Need

  • rice
  • chicken
  • cottage cheese
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      Analyze the problem causing diarrhea in your dog. A sudden change in diet, overeating, worms, or a virus could be the cause. If you cannot determine the cause, call your vet, or take your pet to your vet's office for treatment. If you know that a change of diet or overeating is the cause, and the diarrhea is somewhat controllable, then you can try to handle the problem on your own.

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      Stop feeding the dog for 24 hours. If your dog is younger than six weeks old, hold back the food for no more than 12 hours. Keep water available at all times to avoid dehydration. If your dog is persistent in wanting food, then you can try giving him a small amount of cottage cheese. After 24 hours, you can begin feeding your dog a bland diet including 1/4 cup of boiled rice and 1/4 cup of chicken. This will help his digestive system. Feed him this diet for two to three days. If diarrhea persists, visit the veterinarian.

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      Administer any medication given by the veterinarian. If your dog has worms, your veterinarian will prescribe a medication that will eliminate them and control the diarrhea. It should be given over a short period of time, and the diarrhea may stop before the worms no longer exist, but continue the medication for the recommended time.

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      Continue to check for diarrhea. If it continues for more than there days, a virus could be the cause. It is important to have your dog tested for viruses to prevent further problems. If a virus is determined, the veterinarian will prescribe medication to help get rid of the virus and control the diarrhea.