Border Collie Food & Training Information

Border collies are intelligent, hard-working and high-energy dogs. Because they have traditionally been bred as working dogs, it's important for prospective owners to be aware of their special needs, especially if they are to be kept as pets and not working dogs.
  1. Adopting a Border Collie

    • You should make sure to adopt a border collie from a reputable breeder. The space where the puppies are kept should be well kept and clean. Breeders should be willing to answer questions and provide documentation for the dog.

    Early Training

    • It is not a good idea to hit a border collie when attempting to train it. To get the puppy's attention, speak in a low voice. If the dog misbehaves or ignores a command, say "No" in a low growl and walk away from the dog, according to The dog will follow and the request can be repeated. When the dog performs the requested action, use treats and praise as rewards.

    All Border Collies

    • Border collies will misbehave and act out when bored or confined. These are very intelligent dogs, and a border collie that is frequently left alone for long periods can become neurotic and destructive. These dogs need exercise as well as mental stimulation. If it's necessary to leave your dog for extended periods during the day, ask someone to come over and play with the dog and take it for a walk. It's also important for the dogs to have as much room to explore as possible.


    • Most breeders will give new border collie owners feeding charts for the new puppy and recommendations for food. Generally, border collies should be fed twice daily, and owners should try different brands of food to see which the dog prefers. Puppies and older dogs may need to have dry food soaked to make it easier to chew and digest.


    • Border collies are best suited for owners who have time and energy to devote to playing and exercising their dogs. Border collies are high-energy animals and need plenty of stimulation. They may nip or bite in an attempt to herd small children or pets, so parents should consider the situation carefully before adopting a border collie.