Mini Schnauzer With Digestive Problems

Mini schnauzers are small, intelligent dogs that make popular house pets. But the breed is particularly prone to some serious health disorders.
  1. Features

    • Mini schnauzers are active, intelligent terriers. They stand from 12 to 14 inches in height, and can be prone to stomach and health ailments.

    Canine Hyperlipidemia

    • Mini schnauzers are commonly affected by canine hyperlipidemia, a condition that produces increased lipids (fats) in the bloodstream. This causes a mini schnauzer's digestive system to malfunction by blocking the nutrition a dog should be gleaning from its food.

    Other Causes

    • Other common digestive problems can be caused by things as simple as viruses, or the dog eating something that made it sick, like chocolate or grass.


    • The most common symptoms of a mini schnauzer with any kind of digestive problems are vomiting and diarrhea. This can lead to weight loss and lack of vitality. As a more serious disorder, hyperlipidemia should be further diagnosed with a blood test.


    • The treatments for a stomach ailment vary depending on the specific ailment. For a virus, a mini schnauzer simply receives medication until it gets healthy again. For a mini schnauzer that has hyperlipidemia, a lifelong diet of low-fat, controlled food is necessary.


    • Hyperlipidemia is associated with other serious health conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, liver disease and nephrotic syndrome.